Our achievements
Mainframe for type-certification of breaking test of locomotives for the transport of people and goods "FREN-O-MAT"® developed for "Trenitalia" in Gioia Tauro
FREN-O-MAT* is a mainframe for type- certification of breaking test of locomotives, based on fixed structures specifically placed in the railway yard, with the purpose to optimaze the performance in terms of functionality, reaction time of the system and reduction of installation costs.
It allow to operate under certification ISO 9000.
All the equipments placed in the railway yard are linked together from conductors that are the main component of the system allowing the sending of informations and command signals also for long distances such as 2000/3000 meters.
Satellites are connected, limited to the tracks' control units, also from pipes for pneumatic supply on the train over a distance up to 100/200 meters.
Tests is carried out by acting on five buttons to push in a pre-defined sequence, semplifying the operator's work. During the test will be provided simple and essential visible and sound informations.
Manoeuvres are pre-defined and all the parameters are measured and monitored from electronics devices with precision up to 0.01 bar. The operational logic states are verified repeatedly to ensure the higher accuracy of the breaking test.
Each test is documented and certified with a clear and structured production report containing all necessary datas. Also a final test report is provided containing times and parameters of the test.