Our achievements
Electrical Autoclave Control System installed near the establishment " Webasto " in U.S.A.
The system layout foresees one control point of the plant (Panel PC Allen-Bradley) in ethernet connection with PLC SLC500 Allen-Bradley and Honeywell recorder.
All plant control parts are programmable by ethernet also with remote connection.
With remote connection is also possible to take a look at the plant status and send commands (turn off/on motors and actuators, change parameters, create, modify or download programs, see and manipulate cycle graphs,...).
Temperature loop: Input signals are two air thermocouples J type - range 0-150ºC and two glass thermocouples J type - range 0-150ºC.
All these signals are redoundant. In case of one sensor broken loop input become immediatly the other
thermocouple without damage for the regulation.
Pressure loop: Input signals are three pressure transmitter - range 0-15Bar.
All three signals are redoundant. In case of one sensor broken loop input become immediatly the other pressure
transmitter without damage for the regulation.
Vacuum loop: Input signal is one vacuum transmitter - range 0-1000 mBarA.
In case of the sensor is broken loop input become immediatly the bag 1 (PT1 Vacuum) vacuum transmitter
without damage for the regulation.
LOCK INSTRUMENTS: these are safety instruments directly driving (together with PLC alarm threshold) an
Allen-Bradley safety relay charged to pilote the rapid unload pressure valves and rapid cooling valve.
Once the relay has restored the normal working, it is necessacy to press the command insertion keys (Emergency Reset).
It is possible to modify the alarm threshold by using instruments keys.
RECORDER: the recorder is completely configurable and it’s also able to manage several events as the printing of some default messages, alarm contacts, mathematical operations, timers, counters, ethernet comunication, stop, etc., in addition to the normal operations as the achieving of analogic inputs from the field.
In case of instrument damage, control loops do not feel the effects and the visualization and graphic.
Developed with RsView32 (Allen-Bradley) VB 6.0 (Microsoft) and installed on Windows XP Professional O.S..
It represents the main interface for the operator and it is installed on Supervisor PC. It resumes the main
informations and the detailled too of the plant by managing in background the comunication with the panel equipments and on field. The employed graphics is impressed to represent the full plant on its complexity in the easyer and understandable way for the operator. From PC it is possible to monitor the system variables status (status, alarms, diagnostic,...) and to drive autoclave commands in safety conditions. (managed by PLC program).
Power Supply :
Fan motor :
Oleodynamic pump motor :
Heating :
Cooling :
Pressure transmitters :
Vacuum transmitters :
Air thermocouples :
Control cabinets :
Auxiliary voltage :
460 Vac - 60 Hz
30 kW
1,5 kW
4 resistances groups 108 kW ( total power 432 kW )
by water
3, range 0 - 15 Bar, power supply 24Vcc, Out 4 - 20 mA
29, range 0 - 1000 mBar, power supply 24Vcc, Out 4 - 20 mA
2, J type, double element, 12R4x400 insert
500 kW - total power
800 A total current
120 Vac
24 Vdc